Toutes peintures ā l'huile d'ASAM, Egid Quirin

ID Image Painting(From A to Z)    Details 
ASAM, Egid Quirin, Assumption of the Virgin (detail
 Assumption of the Virgin (detail   1717-25 Marble and stucco Pilgrimage-church, Rohr, Bavaria
ASAM, Egid Quirin, Assumption of the Virgin xxx
 Assumption of the Virgin xxx   1717-25 Marble and stucco Pilgrimage-church, Rohr, Bavaria
ASAM, Egid Quirin, St George and the Dragon
 St George and the Dragon   1721 Gilt stucco

ASAM, Egid Quirin
German Baroque Era Sculptor, 1692-1750 Sculptor, stuccoist, painter and architect, son of Hans Georg Asam. After working with his father, he was apprenticed to Anton Faistenberger in Munich to learn sculpture. He presumably accompanied his brother Cosmas Damian Asam to Rome (1711-13), where he studied works by Bernini. In 1724 he became a valet and court stuccoist to the Prince-Bishop of Freising and in 1730 a valet to the Elector of Bavaria.

Sweden Wholesale Oil Paintings, Stretcher Bars, Picture Frames & Beveled Mirrors